Sport performance
Athlete Assessment: The Force-Velocity Profile
by Antoine Duchenne

The force-speed profile is an assessment of the athlete's muscular capacities. Its development is based on the physiological principle that muscle strength decreases with the speed of execution of a movement.
This profile is essential in sports requiring very intense efforts such as team sports, racket sports or athletics.
Athletic performance of “explosive” efforts is determined by power which is the product of force times speed. Two athletes who have the same power can have two fundamentally different profiles. Below is an example of two athletes with the same absolute power while one is very fast and the other is very strong. The athlete who lifts the heaviest is therefore not necessarily the most powerful. Some trainers believe that building muscle makes you sluggish. It is probably that the training was not adapted to the profile of the athlete. Being strong at low speed is not the same as being strong at high speed.
Samozino, 2010
We perform this assessment through jumps with additional load, the athlete must have experience with squats and jumping exercises. The latest scientific advances allow us to determine if the profile is optimal. Thanks to this tool, we will be able to direct the training to improve your profile. The latest studies show that proper training improves athletic performance.
Below is an overview of the profile we make with training recommendations for the different sports.
Morin J-B
This assessment is also a very useful tool after an injury. In the rehabilitation phase, the ideal is to have an evaluation done before the injury in order to be able to judge if your recovery is sufficient for the return to sport. Without prior evaluation, we can also compare the results to other athletes of an equivalent level.
We also carry out a Force-Speed profile in sprints, this allows us to further refine the athlete’s profile for certain disciplines. According to the same principles, we can direct the training to improve your physical abilities according to your specific needs.
In short, sports performance is a clever mix of strength and speed. Thanks to a very precise assessment, we can determine your needs and thus create an individualized training that will certainly push you towards better results.