Healthy Life

Management of acute injuries: all you need is PEACE AND LOVE

by Uperform

comment soigner les entorses de la cheville

Injuries are unfortunately a part of life and we all have to deal with them at one time or another.

The intensity of the inconvenience caused may vary but the impact on our activities generally remains very restrictive.



What do you do when you twist your ankle or strain a muscle?


Many of us rush to apply ice to the sore spot and get complete rest for a few days or even weeks.

Some also start taking anti-inflammatories on a daily basis. Are these really the best things to do?

In older support protocols (RICE, PRICE, POLICE protocols), all of these things were indeed commonplace. Fortunately, health care is evolving and protocols are being brought up to date thanks to the results of scientific research. In recent years, we have experienced a revolution in the way of immediately and medium-term management of traumatic injuries: the PEACE AND LOVE protocol.


  • Protection
  • Elevation
  • Anti-inflammatory to avoid
  • Compression
  • Education
  • Load (load and movement)
  • Optimism
  • Vascularization
  • Exercises





The PEACE part is aimed at immediate support. The first days of the injury. The affected part of the body should be protected for a few days by avoiding exposure to activities that could cause pain. This can last a few weeks depending on the severity of the trauma. The affected limb is positioned elevated (higher than the level of the heart) to reduce swelling and facilitate blood return. Anti-inflammatories should be avoided because, despite their short-term beneficial effect on pain, they slow the healing rate and lengthen the recovery time. Indeed, it is indeed in inflammation (a natural process set up by the human body) that the cells that will contribute to optimal healing are found.

A pressure bandage (compression) helps reduce swelling. Finally, it is important to properly educate our patients on the do’s and don’ts in order to ensure optimal care.

Over-medicalization is common: unjustified recourse to medical imaging (see our article): useless drugs and cream, passive treatment abuse; so many sometimes anxiety-provoking processes that deviate the patient from the recommendations of good practice.





Put in motion the part of the body that is regenerating in order to help it gradually regain its ability to resist external constraints. This resumption of daily activities is done gradually, being attentive to the signs of overload (pain, swelling).

The mental aspect has a primordial role and is currently largely underestimated! As you know, the MINDSET is one of our pillars at Uperform. Your state of mind during this phase will play a decisive role. By being realistic, motivated and optimistic, you increase your
chances of recovering more quickly and avoiding any chronicization of your symptoms. Very quickly, a non-painful cardiovascular activity should be undertaken to improve the vascularization to the affected tissues.

The active approach giving the best results, all lesions combined, it is advisable to establish with your physiotherapist an exercise plan containing exercises of mobility, strength and control / balance.




We care, U perform.



Cet article est basé sur le protocole « PEACE AND LOVE » de La Clinique Du Coureur “”


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