Sport performance
Surpass your performance by learning to run faster!
by Clément Hendrick

At Uperfom, constantly in the spirit of being able to get the best out of the people we meet, whether they are athletic or not, we have decided to develop and offer a new component to our "Lab Performance", accessible to all.
What is it precisely ?
Offering a service to anyone with a goal/desire to progress in sprint performance. So fundamentally directed work on the skills of maximum speed, acceleration, and explosiveness.
With what purpose ?
The objective is to develop the maximum physical and cognitive faculties inherent to sprinting and more generally to what can be called “horizontal performance” in order to improve one’s speed and explosiveness skills, which are elements playing a major role in a good number of sports (football, basketball, rugby, hockey, tennis, athletics, etc.) and therefore just as preponderant on the level with which to evolve in this sport. We all know this professional player who is super fast, and who has therefore been able to draw all the strength of his game from his main quality, and with which he can surpass his opponents. Well, that’s exactly the goal here: to make this aspect one of your greatest strengths to allow you to outperform your performance and/or your opponents.
Who is this for ?
The specific “horizontal performance” preparation can be done in individual coaching if you are alone or if you want to benefit from a personal focus. But we know that it is often more fun and challenging for the majority to be together. This is why the possibility of small groups (up to a maximum of 6 athletes) also exists. No prerequisites are required, all levels are accepted. From the most beginner to the most experienced. And we want to make a point of honor on that in order to be as inclusive as possible. So fear not, there is no need for a well-stocked “performance CV”, nor to be an athlete or to feel ultra sporty. The only things required are your determination and willingness to progress, which means much more to us.
These are the essential and primary elements to carry out your evolution.
How will your sessions and follow-up take place ?
On a voluntary basis, a form will be sent to you and will have to be completed to learn a little more about yourself and your objectives, in order to better build your training program.
Depending on the level you arrive with, different tests focusing exclusively on sprint-related skills will be offered to you +/- early (usually depending on whether or not there is a short familiarization period with the workouts). This will be your bedrock, your baseline of performance against which to see future progress. So that will be our common starting point, and then we will do this whole journey, this whole adventure together to be able to take you as far as possible in the best possible way!
In typical training sessions, you can find different components, all of proven usefulness and effectiveness for horizontal performance.
⁃ Running/sprinting techniques
⁃ Sprint educational
⁃ Race/sprint tips
⁃ Reactivity
⁃ Maximum strength work
⁃ Power work
⁃ Velocity work
⁃ Extensive & intensive plyometric work
⁃ Maximum speed work
⁃ Explosive work / RFD (strength development ratio) ⁃ Sprint & individual specific muscle building ⁃ Sheathing
⁃ Spatial coordination
Regarding the tests that can be carried out, here is a (non-exhaustive) list: ⁃ 20m sprint with/without reactivity
⁃ Fly 30m Sprint
⁃ Standing long jump (statique & dynamique)
⁃ Multibonds 3 & 10
⁃ Drop jump
⁃ Countermovement jump
⁃ Squat jump
⁃ Reactive strength index (RSI)
⁃ Dynamic strength index (DSI)
⁃ Eccentric utilization ratio (EUR)
⁃Implementation of the Force-Velocity-Power profile
⁃ Maximum strength of the extensors of the lower limb
This consists of a range of interesting tests, each of which can provide a good database. But the idea is not to fall into a phenomenon of overtesting (excessive testing), which is why these will be conducted if relevant.
Where does it take place ?
Within our new Uperfom Evere center (+ Diamant??) fully equipped with all the appropriate and necessary equipment to ensure quality work in good development conditions, and also integrating a multitude of recovery and testing equipment which will allow you to quantify your progress throughout the weeks of training, allowing you to have precise and directly visible feedback on your progress. We also have the possibility of doing testings and field/track sessions (in real situation therefore) if necessary according to your objectives.
How often do we recommend this type of training ?
Optimally, 1 to 2 sessions/week, for 8 to 12 weeks. But we are alert to the conditions and the reality of each, which is why it remains a proposal estimated as the most adequate in absolute terms, but completely adjustable according to your availability in order to find the best arrangement for you. (1h session, with a maximum possibility of 2h/day, consecutive or not)
What can you expect from your investment and progress ?
It’s often difficult to be razor-sharp about the timing of progression. But this is always assured if things are done right. The tests evaluated at the beginning of the training program will generally be repeated in the middle and at the end of the coaching period, precisely in order to allow you to see what has been achieved and the work remaining. In general, and based on scientific observations, clear progress can already be observed from 6 to 8 weeks of work, at a rate of 2 hours/week of exposure to this type of training. But if individual realities mean that keeping up with this pace is not possible for you, there will always be the possibility of finding a compromise while ensuring quality progress.
As you can understand, it is therefore a work over time and above all on regularity. And rest assured, sprint training isn’t hard or exhausting, or at least should never feel that way to the athlete. Explanations on this subject will be able to be developed more fully for you in the long term.
By who ?
This coaching is currently supervised by one of our collaborators, a national-level sprinter athlete with the double role of physiotherapist. It is the assurance of being able to benefit from theoretical and practical knowledge on the physics, biomechanics of sprinting & horizontal performance, but also on the aspect of injuries & pathologies related to activity, as well as their prevention. (e.g. hamstrings, adductors, triceps surae, patellar tendinopathy, Achilles tendinopathy, ankle/foot pathologies)
Online booking on the website
Or directly with
Clément Hendrick
+32 471 56 27 86
Pricing :
3 options :
– €30 for a single 1-hour coaching or testing session – Pack of 6 sessions €150 (€25/session)
– Pack 12 sessions 240€ (20€/session)
2 discounts:
– Group of 2-3 people: -15% on the price/pers. – Group of 4-6 people: -20% on the price/pers.
Registration :
Please register via ce lien.
We care, U perform