Healthy Life
Chia seed pudding, spicy pear and walnut compote
by Uperform

Who says confinement says time conducive to cooking. It has never been more important to take care of ourselves and our loved ones. Here is a recipe good for the body and the mind.
Because of the virus, we could all be tempted to indulge, to give up on a healthy diet and a healthy lifestyle. I say no ! Too easy, he’s not going to get us like that! And that starts with healthy eating, not only to stay healthy in body but also in mind.
As people started to empty the supermarkets, I only thought of one thing (among others, of course): chia seeds! They are super versatile, so you never get tired of them! They are super nutritious and make great breakfasts or snacks. You can buy them in bulk and store them easily. See below for their many health benefits.
Please note, spicy does not mean spicy! I only used cardamom and ginger in the recipe to make it even tastier and more fun!
Chia pudding
• Chia seeds, 3 tablespoons
• Vegetable milk, 250 ml (almond, soy, coconut, etc.)
• Cardamom powder, 1 teaspoon
In a small bowl, add the chia seeds, then the vegetable milk. Be sure to stir well for 2-3 minutes so the chia seeds don’t stick together. Leave in the refrigerator for a few hours so that the seeds swell well.
Compote of pears and walnuts (with cardamom and ginger):
• Pear, one large or two small, ripe
• Ginger, a good piece of 2 cm
• Cardamom, 3 green pods
• Walnuts, a handful (previously soaked for a few hours)
• Butter, coconut oil (or ghee), 1 tbsp
• Water
Chop the ginger very finely and cut the pear into small cubes.
Heat a tablespoon of butter, coconut oil or ghee in a saucepan.
Sauté the ginger over low heat for about a minute, then add the walnuts and cardamom pods. Cook for another minute over low heat.
Then add the pears and a little water so they don’t stick to the pan.
Cook for 7 to 10 minutes until tender.
You can store in the fridge for 2-3 days max.
And finally …
When your chia pudding is ready and your pear compote too, you can assemble them into individual servings and store them in the refrigerator.
In a jar or in a bowl: add a little pudding and then pear compote on top.
Take a spoon and enjoy!
Health Benefits:
The health benefits of pear:
• Strengthens the immune system;
• Helps prevent stomach cancer;
• Reduces the risk of diabetes and heart disease;
• Improves heart health;
• Improves eye health;
• Reduces blood pressure.
The pear is a good source of copper, iron, potassium, manganese and magnesium, as well as vitamin B. It is also high in fiber and provides a good amount of antioxidants.
The health benefits of chia seeds:
• Chia seeds, rich in antioxidants, can prevent premature aging of the skin;
• They promote digestion and regular bowel movements thanks to dietary fibre;
• They also help to lose weight; they make you feel full longer and reduce sugar cravings;
• They boost metabolism and burn belly fat;
• They improve heart health, regulate cholesterol and reduce blood pressure;
• They help treat diabetes;
• They boost your energy, improve endurance and resistance;
• They promote healthy bones and teeth thanks to the high amount of calcium.