Healthy Life
Creating habits: Systems vs Goals
by Uperform

In our quest for personal improvement, we often tend to focus on setting ambitious goals. However, a goal-based approach can sometimes leave us feeling unsatisfied and frustrated. This is where a systems-based approach comes in. In this article, we will compare these two approaches and explain why a systems-based approach can be more effective for creating lasting habits.
Understanding Goals and Systems:
A goal is a specific outcome you want to achieve, while a system is the set of routines and habits that enable you to reach that goal. For example, if your goal is to run a marathon, your system might be to run a certain number of miles each day. Goals are future-oriented, while systems are rooted in the present, guiding your daily actions.
The Limitations of a Goal-Based Approach
A goal-based approach has several limitations. First, it creates an “all or nothing” mindset where you are only satisfied if you achieve the goal. This can lead to unnecessary pressure and stress, as any failure to achieve the goal can be perceived as a total failure. Secondly, goals are often tied to outcomes that are outside our direct control. For example, you might set a goal to lose weight, but many factors, such as your metabolism or genetics, can influence the outcome. Finally, once the goal is achieved, it can be hard to maintain motivation. After all, once you’ve run that marathon, what do you do next?
The Power of a Systems-Based Approach
A systems-based approach, on the other hand, focuses on the process rather than the outcome. It promotes consistency and sustainability, as it involves committing to daily routines and habits. Moreover, a systems-based approach allows for celebrating small victories along the way, which boosts motivation and satisfaction. For example, every day that you stick to your exercise routine is a victory, regardless of whether you’ve reached your weight goal or not. Plus, systems are more flexible and adaptable. If one aspect of your system isn’t working, you can tweak it without questioning your entire approach.
How to Implement Systems
Implementing systems involves identifying the habits and routines that will help you achieve your goals. It’s about making these habits as easy and appealing as possible, to promote consistency and sustainability. For example, if your goal is to eat healthier, your system could be to prepare healthy meals in advance for the week. You could also set up a system for regular exercise, such as taking a walk after dinner or doing a workout in the morning. The key is to choose habits that easily fit into your daily life and move you closer to your goals.
While goals define what we want to achieve, systems determine how we get there. By focusing on systems rather than goals, we can create lasting habits that lead us towards success. So, start implementing your own systems today and discover the power of a systems-based approach.