Healthy Life
Recommendations on physical activity and sedentary lifestyle
by Uperform

The benefits of regular physical activity are well established.
Improvement of cardio-respiratory capacities, muscle and joint health, cardio-metabolic health (blood pressure, resistance to glucose and insulin) as well as reduction in mortality from all medical causes, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes type 2 and appearances
of cancer.
The benefits are not only physical but are also felt mentally and cognitively. Thus we find a reduction in the symptoms of depression and anxiety with an improvement in the feeling of well-being. There is also an improvement in academic performance in children and adolescents.
We detail here for you the brand new guidelines of the World Health Organization in terms of the practice of physical activity and the risks associated with a sedentary lifestyle. In these recommendations, you will find information specific to different population groups: children, adolescents, adults, elderly people, pregnant women as well as people living with a chronic condition or with a disability. Physical activity recommendations for pregnant women have already been the subject of one of our previous articles. Retrouvez-le ici !
Keep in mind that even a minimal amount of physical activity is better than none at all. The most sedentary individuals will already feel the benefits of small doses. Start slowly, at your own pace, and gradually increase the frequency, duration and intensity of
your activities. Reassure yourself about the potential risks associated with the practice of regular physical activity. The benefits generated greatly exceed them. No medical check-up is necessary before starting if you do not have underlying medical conditions.
Do not hesitate to contact our team of professionals if you are having difficulty setting up a suitable program.
As a reminder, scientific research tells us that physical activity in children is directly associated with mental and cognitive improvement. These benefits are fully experienced with daily moderate to intense physical activity of 60 minutes, regardless of the type of activity performed. Moderate to intense aerobic activity will improve cardio-respiratory capacity. A muscle-strengthening activity will improve your children’s bone, joint and muscle health. We recommend
strongly to associate the two types of activities. Physical inactivity is associated with a deterioration of indicators of good health such as obesity, behavioral problems, poor social behavior and sleep. In this population, the main source of sedentariness comes from time spent behind screens.
For this population too, the practice – even minimal – of physical activity is better than nothing! This is a very important message to keep in mind. Don’t let anyone tell you “even if it means doing so little, you might as well do nothing”. In addition to being wrong, this is likely to lead to a vicious cycle that will have serious effects on your health.
Recommendations for this population group are based on the volume (read: total amount) of physical activity per week. The majority of benefits are experienced by engaging in 150-300 minutes of moderate physical activity or 75-150 minutes of vigorous physical activity. You can also enjoy these benefits by combining these two types of activities. This can be done in one go or in a distributed manner. Pay attention, however, to the
daily overload if you are not used to it: this represents a risk factor for the onset of pain which can easily be avoided. The benefits of physical activity are already felt even below these recommendations! This is also why we insist: “SOME IS BETTER THAN NONE”!
Beyond 300 minutes of moderate physical activity, the benefits tend to stagnate if we limit ourselves to aerobic activities. It is then more judicious to add muscle strengthening sessions focusing on the main muscle groups.
Including those with one or more medical conditions or living with a disability. The practice of physical activity helps this segment of the population to remain independent for as long as possible. It decreases the risk of falling and the severity of the consequences of falling as well as the decline of bone health.
The recommendations are the same as those for adults. It is also important to add exercises to improve balance.
cancer, hypertension, type 2 diabetes and AIDS
Regular physical activity is safe for adults with the conditions listed above. The benefits generated greatly outweigh the potential risks. Physical activity reduces the risk of death from hypertension, diseases
heart disease as well as type 2 diabetes. It reduces blood pressure, body fat percentage and improves quality of life and maximal oxygen uptake. Physical activity does not alter the viral load of people with AIDS.
multiple sclerosis, spinal cord injury, intellectual disability, Parkinson’s disease, stroke, depression, schizophrenia and attention deficit disorder with or without hyperactivity (ADHD).
For this population as well, regular physical activity is considered healthy and safe. For each of the following conditions, it may be beneficial to speak to a qualified healthcare professional to determine the most appropriate type and amount of physical activity. For people with spinal cord injury, there is a reduction in shoulder pain and an improvement in vascular function in paralyzed limbs. Significant positive effects on cognition have been noted
in people with multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s, history of stroke, ADHD and depression. These effects are even stronger in people with schizophrenia.
Movement is one of the 4 pillars of Uperform. We take our mission very seriously to make the general population more active and to allow everyone to benefit from the benefits associated with the practice of physical activity.
Do not hesitate to contact one of our physiotherapists or sports coach to help you achieve your goal and gradually resume physical activity.
We care, u perform.
– C Bull F, Al-Ansari SS, Biddle S, Borodulin K, Buman MP, Cardon G et al. World Health
– Organization 2020 guidelines on physical activity and sedentary behaviour. Br J Sports Med. 2020 Dec;54(24):1451-1462.