High blood pressure
by Uperform

Hypertension is the leading preventable cause of death worldwide, contributing to over 9 million deaths annually, mostly from cardiovascular disease. The association of obesity, physical inactivity and alcohol with elevated blood pressure (BP) is firmly established.
– High blood pressure is the leading cause of death worldwide, usually due to cardiovascular disease (CVD).
– An intervention to effectively lower blood pressure (BP) may reduce the risk of CVD.
– Nutritional factors can influence blood pressure and the risk of hypertension throughout life.
– New data indicate that hydrocarbon metabolism plays a role
new in blood pressure.
– Riboflavin (MTHFR cofactor) lowers blood pressure in people with
MTHFR 677TT genotype.
Weight loss or other dietary strategies, such as the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet, have been shown to be effective in lowering BP. Additionally, specific nutrients are known to contribute to BP, with higher sodium intake being linked to an increased risk of hypertension, while potassium is associated with a reduced risk of hypertension.
Of note, new data have identified a novel role for hydrocarbon metabolism and related B vitamins, particularly riboflavin, in AP.
In adults genetically at risk for hypertension, due to the C677T polymorphism common to MTHFR, randomized trials have shown that riboflavin (MTHFR cofactor) supplementation can lower systolic blood pressure by 13 mmHg.
A BP response to an intervention of this magnitude could have significant clinical implications, given that a systolic BP reduction of 10 mmHg is estimated to decrease the risk of stroke by 40%.
This review aims to explore factors contributing to hypertension across the lifespan and to critically appraise the evidence supporting a role of nutrition, particularly folate-related B vitamins, in BP and the risk of hypertension. In addition, gaps in our current knowledge, which warrant future research in this area, will be identified.
We care, u perform.
Source : Nutrition Orthomoléculaire – Micronutrition- Nutrithérapie